Messages for Squinternet

Many of you may want to say hello, send your good wishes, share memories and funny stories with Squinternet and show your love and appreciation for the years of warm generosity and brilliant creativity she has shared with all of us. Since she is not in-world very often as it taxes her strength, I thought you might like to add your wishes and comments below. Think of this as a virtual message board for Squinternet and post away.

And if your preferred medium is visual, there’s a Flickr Group where you can post pictures of yourself in Donna Flora items or make virtual cards with your good wishes.

119 thoughts on “Messages for Squinternet

  1. All I know how to do is pray is situations like this. So I’m praying. You have brought a lot of people so much happiness in SL and I hope you feel the love that is raining down upon you. Take strength from your family and friends. Much love from Chalice x

  2. No, non voglio scrivere smancerie.
    L’unica volta che le dedicai una frase romantica in occasione del suo compleanno, mi ringhiò come una belva feroce.
    A me apparve come un gattone randagio che non vuole essere accarezzato ma non fugge nella speranza che quella mano tesa gli lisci il pelo.
    Poi, a Natale, per provocarla, le scrissi una frase d’auguri cosi dolce e tenera da fare commuovere anche un cinico.
    Si sa, se una belva ringhia per difesa, ammazzala d’amore.

    Dal primo giorno, seppi, che lei amava cosi, ringhiando, sbuffando, ritraendosi all’affetto, anche a quello semplice e vero di una amica lontana, che tentava di entrare nel suo mondo che nemmeno lei conosceva.
    Fatto di talento, di precisione maniacale dei dettagli, della cura precisa che metteva nel costruire qualunque cosa, fosse un gioiello o un abito o l’arredamento del negozio stesso.
    Più volte mi ribadì il concetto che non comprendeva come qui in SL fosse considerata brava e talentuosa. Bugiarda….amabile e adorabile bugiarda.
    Fin troppo Intelligente per non saperlo, colta, fantasiosa, amante del bello, inteso come espressione dell’armonia e della grazia, esprime nelle sue creazioni un mondo apparentemente volto a un passato nostalgico, fatto di glamour, ma che in realtà esprime una tenace volontà di adattarlo all’oggi, di ricrearlo con valori moderni che possano sconfiggere l’orrido che appartiene alla mancanza di stile.
    Adesso, ogni tanto, quando insisto affinché si curi mi ringhia ancora, e io per questo adoro la sua anima bizzarra, perché In realtà lei, non riesce a credere che le persone la possano amare.

    Grazie a voi tutti che la state aiutando. Io l’aspetto con speranza.

    ————————- testo inglese —————

    No, I will not cause a fuss.
    The only time that I declared my love was on her birthday, she growled like a wild beast.
    To me, she seemed like a stray cat that does not want to be stroked but does not flee in the hope that the outstretched hand will smooth the hair.
    Then, at Christmas, to provoke her, I wrote a card so sweet and tender it would even move a cynic.

    You know, if a beast growls in self-defense, smother her with love.
    From day one, I knew, that she loved so; growling, snorting, withdrawing affection, even to the simple and true distant friend who tried to enter her world.
    She was made of talent, precision for detail, and the care that she put into constructing anything, whether it was a piece of jewelry or a dress or the decor of the store itself.

    Several times she repeated me the concept that she did not understand that here in SL she was considered good and talented. Liar liar …. lovable and adorable.
    Far too clever for not knowing, intelligent, imaginative, lover of beauty, understood as an expression of harmony and grace, expressed in her creations or a world seemingly aimed at the nostalgic past, made of glamorous, but in reality expresses a tenacious willingness to adapt it to the present day, to recreate it with modern values that can defeat the ravine which belongs to the lack of style.
    Now, sometimes, when I insist that you care for her I still growls, and I love her soul for this bizarre, because in reality she cannot believe that people could love her.

    Thank you to everyone that you are helping. I wait with hope.
    AtmaXenia Giha

  3. I remember the Donna Flora store was my first major purchases within SL. It made me see in SL fashion what really can be created with those who give of their talent and time create for this medium. Sometimes it’s all too easy to forget that we all have real lives to attend too when we enter this sl world. I’ve never spoken to Squinternet but I have so many of her beautiful creations in my inventory, and receive so many compliments when I wear them. Sending out my good thoughts and wishes to this talented woman.

  4. Ciao Giulia,
    noi non ci conosciamo, ma la tua fama ti precede! I tuoi lavori su SL ti fanno una grande pubblicità. Ho appreso questa notizia dalle persone che ti amano e ti sostengono in questo periodo così difficile. Non voglio essere ripetitiva, in molti qui ti sono vicini, raccontano le loro esperienze e ti mandano tutta l’energia possibile per superare tutto ciò, quindi cercherò di fare di più. Da designer ho un blog, una pagina flickr, un negozio, facebook.. Cercherò di far sapere a più gente possibile quanto ti vogliamo bene e quanto serva l’aiuto di tutti. Vogliamo vederti ancora, girare per quel pazzo mondo che si chiama Second Life, vogliamo poter godere ancora della tua suprema fantasia nel creare, vogliamo sapere che ci sei e regali a tutti l’affetto che hanno donato a te.

    Tieni duro,
    noi siamo tutti qui.. INSIEME!


  5. Ciao Giulia,
    io non sono brava a scrivere cose che potrebbero aiutarti moralmente….io no, ma pallina si^^
    pallina è buffa e molto spesso riesce a strappare sorrisi, anche se non dice una parola.
    Sono sicura che quel pagliaccio riuscirà a strappare un sorriso anche a te….scommettiamo? ^__^
    Ti abbraccio forte.

  6. Ciao Giulia
    un saluto con tanto affetto ed ammirazione, per una grande persona ed una magnifica creativa.
    Siamo tutti con te , in entrambi i mondi…

    Anna Maria aka Jacaranda Flanagan

  7. I spent a lot of time at Donna Flora when I first started off in SL, the range and beautiful designs always had me captivated. Sqinternet always had time for a chat and a friendly word too. I still have many of the items I bought there, and can mix and match them with things I wear even now, although some are five years old.
    I wish you a speedy recovery Squinternet, sending love and healing energy to you (´ε` )♡
    Emerald Beningborough

  8. Donna Flora was one of the first shops I found I first came to SL. Your creativity and sense of style and the sheer care and quality of your work is astounding! I pray that the cancer is scared away by all the love I see on these pages!

    Linda Sautereau

  9. There was a time when my inventory had nothing, and I was invited to my first SL wedding. I hardly shopped on SL, but I was familiar with some SL fashion blogs, and I already knew Donna Flora well. It was the first nice dress I bought. Even today, your items aren’t outdated. I still wear the carousel dress and get so many compliments. You can do things with prims that no one else could do, so I hope you can come back soon and keep inspiring.

  10. A terribly sad loss of such a young life, the heavens have a new beautiful star. Condolences to her family. God bless ♡

  11. I fell in love with Squinternet’s designs the very first time I saw them and I was always inspired by this fine designer and wonderful woman. Her time with SL and her contributions are long, many and amazing. She enriched our world far beyond the measure of many and her art will be cherished by all the people she touched and will continue to touch for years to come. I am sure she is waiting for us in the new life — the ultimate world — and will greet us at the Welcome Center when we arrive. And there we will all once again marvel at her gift of creation. Love and thanks from Journey McLaglen, a humble designer that you inspired along the path.

  12. mancherai, con la tua semplicità.. le tue battute e le grandi risate.

    ..ti mando un bacio Giulia, ovunque tu sia ora..non ti dimenticheremo mai.


    …we will miss you , with your simplicity, your happiness and big laughers.

    ..i send you a kiss Giulia, everywhere you are now.. we will not forget you .


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