LDF Music Event – Thank you!

Love Donna Flora Music Event Invite

Very well, yesterday Donna Flora Love Music Event was a resounding success. The people responded as expected to hammering through Secondlife advertising groups and word of mouth.
But this has not been a successful organization’s who among other things has done very little, but the team of people who attended and who made all this possible.
Obviously I have no words to thank all those who directly or indirectly participated, donated and made ​​the event a great event.
The main objective was to raise funds to help Squinternet Larnia, something moved in the right direction, we have obtained funds for a total of L$ 27.040 promptly turned over to the account of Squinternet managed by Cajsa.
What have we done, involve experienced DJs and one of the best hosts of Secondlife in a funny musical show to entice people to help Squinternet. We succeeded.
We had an average of 60 people at the same time, quite high, in fact the lag measured the success of participation. But there is no success without lag!

Legal and thanks:

Nathan and Maluy
Seashell and Varela
Mass and Droxene
Annyia and Ravie
Dom and Spunkz
Pixie and Cecynena

Chevia that has attempted to find a suitable place for the event, which place could have been better than Zenzibar?
ZZole Zee CEO Zenshi who offered to make available Zenzibar club.
PetraLAlexander, manager of the club for the patience you had with me.
Cajsa who believed in the event and made ​​available the blog and the group of Love Donna Flora.
A special thanks to Irina Easterling, my beloved wife sl and rl, without which nothing would have happened.
Of course, a million thanks to all those friends, acquaintances and not who participated and made ​​the event possible.

For one day we were all Squinternet Larnia, long life and health to Squinternet!

Last hour set

Last hour set

Last hour set

Last hour set

End of Event

End of Event

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